Thursday, June 14, 2012

10 Cities Most "Hated"

The CNN ranks the cities most hated in the world in an article. Jakarta is sitting in the seventh after the city of Lima, Peru. CNN called the city's most 'hated' it does not mean the worst. But at least, when people call the 10 most hated city in the world, the name of these cities are always called.

Jakarta, CNN referred to as the "Big Durian"; fruit smelly and in need of 'struggle' to enjoy. According to CNN, a total of 8 million tourists come each year to the city before proceeding to other destinations such as Bali, Yogyakarta, and Sumatra. In Jakarta, they spent an average of 7.84 days.The most questioned, CNN said, is the condition of the traffic, pollution, poverty, and there is no 'scene' other than the mall epidemic.

1. Tijuana, Mexico. According to a report last Worldfocus, visitors of Tijuana plummeted as much as 90 percent in less than 10 years.Violence. Drug cartels. Recession. Recent outbreak of swine flu. Those phrases are associated with the city.
Tijuana, Mexico

2. Sydney and Melbourne, Australia. About 4 million people spread across the city center, high house prices, occasional fires, and intense hatred are the second features of this city.
Sydney and Melbourne, Australia

3. Paris, France. The city could become the "loved" city but also the "hated"city. Unwelcome people of Paris and mostly smoking citizens are the things that the visitors dislike . In addition, the custom of citizens to 'flatter'. "Do not be so easily flattered when you get close to Place du Tertre in Montmartre, and tell that you have an interesting hair," one respondent pointed out.

Paris, France

4. Timbuktu, Mali. A century ago, travelers the world were struggling to achieve this trans-Saharan trade center. But now the city is considered so remote and less spectacular. According to recent British survey, one third of people of the world believe that Timbuktu does not really exist.
Timbuktu, Mali
5. Los Angles, United States. Often twisted as "Lots Angry". This Megalopolis city has about 90 sub-city, 20 highways,  the countless area code and half-million mall. Earthquakes, race riots, the boring traffic,  smoke report and roaring sirens often sounded is considered to be boring. The only 'tourist trap' this city is Hollywood.
Los Angles, United States
6. Lima, Peru. Is the fifth largest metropolitan city in Latin America. Somewhat safer than Sao Paulo and has more beautiful beaches than La Paz, but Lima is considered boring, because of smog and its unsafely.
Lima, Peru
7. Jakarta, Indonesia. The maze of traffic, pollution, and slums are considered to be the most uninteresting parts of this city.
 Jakarta, Indonesia
8. New Delhi, India. The hawkers regarded as the least attractive of the city. In addition it is a fraud on the streets. "The thing to do when visiting is to avoid touts in Delhi," wrote
 New Delhi, India
9. Cairo, Egypt. Not good enough to be liked, but not bad enough to be avoided, as CNN calls this city. Air pollution, reckless driver, a dense population, and the unstable political conditions, is the least interesting part of this city. CNN quoted the recent World Health Organization report that equated the city air is the same as smoking a pack a day.
Cairo, Egypt
10. Belize City, Belize. Less than three hours flight from Dallas, Belize is often referred to as "other Caribbean". Crime, drugs, depravity, and touts the jail is another tagline of this city.
Belize City, Belize

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